Pocos Pero Locos
Pocos Pero Locos, a nationally syndicated radio show created and hosted by Lisa "Khool Aid" Rios and Edward "E-Dub" Rios, launched on Power 106 (KPWR) in Los Angeles in August 1999. Due to the national demand on the streets for Latin Hip Hop, the program was an immediate hit and garnered the attention of prominent news outlets. After a few months and phenomenal ratings, Khool Aid and E-Dub, decided to take the show on the road for a shot at self syndication. By 2005, the program, syndicated by Khool Aid and E-Dub's Radio Syndicate, Inc., had reached 50 affiliates including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Houston, and the duo had developed for the brand: a national retail pricing and positioning program, compilation series featuring the “who’s who” of Latin Hip Hop along with a live concert tour. Pocos Pero Locos has evolved into a multi-platform content provider, broadcasting via terrestrial radio stations, 24-hour internet stream, custom mobile apps, proprietary social network and YouTube channel. The show and it's broadcast studios, are a staple in the movie “Filly Brown”. The Lionsgate distributed film was co-produced by Olmos Productions, Silent Giant Entertainment, and features roles played by Edward James Olmos, Lou Diamond Phillps, Jenni Rivera, Chingo Bling, Baby Bash and more. Discography